Australasian Association of Philosophy’s 2024 Conference

Sunday 7th July to Thursday 11th July 2024, The University of Western Australia 



Held annually since 1923, the Australasian Association of Philosophy’s 2024 Conference will be held in person, hosted by The University of Western Australia.

The conference is designed to give professional philosophers and philosophy postgraduate students the opportunity to present and discuss papers in all areas of philosophy. Each year it attracts between 200-300 philosophers from around the world, with 200 presentations. It is one of the largest philosophy conferences in the Southern Hemisphere.

Keynote with Iain McGilchrist, Thursday, 11 July 2024

Bergson and the Brain: what can neuroscience learn from philosophy?

Central to evolution of the bipartite structure of the human brain is the need to pay different kinds of attention to the world, for different purposes, simultaneously. A number of philosophers over the last 350 years, but perhaps pre-eminently among them Henri Bergson, anticipated the findings of recent research into brain lateralisation, by associating the differences between two ways of understanding the world discoverable on introspection with differences in attention. In doing so he, and others such as William James, unknowingly predicted the phenomenological differences associated with the workings of the two cerebral hemispheres. Bergson’s philosophical framework helps us see the deeper significance of neuroscience, which in turn helps to substantiate his philosophy. This is just one example, but an important one, I suggest, of how neuroscience and philosophy can complement one another in coming to a fuller understanding of the human condition.




Sunday July 7




Conference Check-in Desk Open


 4.00 – 5.45


 Presidential Address – Professor Deborah Brown                                                                        


 6.00  – 8.00    


 Opening Reception     

   Monday 8  Tuesday 9  Wednesday 10  Thursday 11
 8.30 – 9.00


 Check-in  Check-in  Check-in
 9.00 – 10.30  Keynote: Rickles  Keynote: Finnigan  Keynote: Waldow  Keynote: McGilchrist     
 10.30 – 11.00  Break  Break  Break  Break
 11.00 – 11.55  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers
 12.00 – 12.55    Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers
 1.00 – 2.00  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch
 2.00 – 2.55  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers 
 3.00 – 3.55  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers
 4.00 – 4.30  Break  Break  Break  Break
 4.30 – 5.25  Contributed Papers  AAP Members’ Forum   Contributed Papers  Contributed Papers
 5.30 – 6.25        


6.45 – 

Women in Philosophy 


5.45 – 7.00 Event:

Climate Activism & ecotage


 6.00 – 8.00 Event:

 Learning from the past: 

 A film night of truth telling

 5.45 – 8.45

 Conference Dinne


Please find further information here.

Register for the event via the AAP registration link.