Left Versus Right Hemisphere: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Syndrome – David Murray

Left Versus Right Hemisphere: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Syndrome – David Murray

Dr Iain McGilchrist’s work on neuroscience has widened the scope of theoretical knowledge of the brain and its functions. His books are written in simple terminology accessible to the layman. In describing insights into the relationship between the hemispheres of the human brain, McGilchrist lays out theories that are integral to an evolving understanding of the subject. His conclusion is that civilisation itself is in danger if current trends in human cognitive behaviour continue. More optimistically, he explains how humanity has been here before and survived.

The World is Under a Spell with Iain McGilchrist and Jordi Pigem

The World is Under a Spell with Iain McGilchrist and Jordi Pigem

The World is Under a Spell with Iain McGilchrist and Jordi Pigem Tuesday 30th April 2024, 6.00pm to 7.30pm UK time Online event, via Zoom £10 public FREE for Members and Patrons of Channel McGilchrist (you will still need to register for this event) We have more...