Recovering the Sacred – the Pari Online Series

5th – 27th November 2022.
with Anne Baring, Bernard Carr, Matthijs Cornelissen, Alex Gomez-Marin, Jeremy Lent, David Lorimer, Iain McGilchrist, Peter Reason, Mary-Jayne Rust
Curated by John Pickering
Pari Center Online Series
November 5 – 27, 2022
9:00am PST | 12:00pm EST | 5:00pm GMT | 6:00pm CET
8-two-hour sessions every Saturday and Sunday
All sessions are live; recordings will be available for any sessions you are unable to attend.
To book your place, and to read further information about each event click here
We are living in a time of anxiety and uncertainty. As more environmental damage is done, the means to repair it seems to be getting less. It is increasingly difficult to know what to trust in politics and the media. Spiritual traditions survive, but the authority they once had has passed to science and so it might seem that the idea of ‘The Sacred’ has disappeared.
But as science reveals more and more about the place of the earth in the cosmos there is a growing awareness of how precious our living world is and of how inter-dependent we are with it. Perhaps this is not only a scientific discovery but also the re-appearance of the sacred in a form fit for our times.
How the living world came to be and how it persists is the business of the sciences. How cultures appear and develop is the business of the humanities.Powerful though those styles of inquiry are, they offer little comfort to those anxious about the destructive direction in which our globalised culture is going. What appears to be missing is some way of restoring our sense of spiritual interdependence with the living world.
This series of talks is an opportunity to hear from people concerned with these ideas and to participate in a dialogue on how they might help us to keep hope alive and decide what to do for the best in our challenging times.
Program of Event
Saturday November 5
Recovering the Soul
with Iain McGilchrist
Sunday November 6
The Sacred and the Evolution of Consciousness
with Matthijs Cornelissen
Saturday November 12
Finding our Way Home to Nature as Sacred
with Mary-Jayne Rust
Sunday November 13
The Sacred as Immanent in a Sentient World
with Peter Reason
Saturday November 19
Towards a Transmaterialist Science of the Sacred
with Bernard Carr and Alex Gomez-Marin
Sunday November 20
The Loss and Recovery of the Sacred
with Anne Baring
Saturday November 26
Recovering a Sense of the Sacred – an Evolutionary Imperative
with David Lormier
Sunday November 27
Weaving a Web of Meaning: How Recognizing Our Deep Interrelatedness Lays a Path to Sustainable Flourishing
with Jeremy Lent