The World is Under a Spell with Iain McGilchrist and Jordi Pigem

Tuesday 30th April 2024, 6.00pm to 7.30pm UK time

Online event, via Zoom

£10 public

FREE for Members and Patrons of Channel McGilchrist (you will still need to register for this event)

We have more knowledge than ever, and yet the world is getting worse. Isn’t it as if a spell is driving our minds in the wrong direction? Aren’t we empowering machines while we are disempowering people? Isn’t the technocratic approach to nature, health, education, social relations and digital transformation giving counterproductive results, and taking us to a more dehumanizing world? Iain McGilchrist has spoken of “a drive that is implacably opposed to the human” (The Matter with Things, p. 1319), related to the increasing prevalence of the ways of knowing and acting related to the left hemisphere of the brain.

Philosopher Jordi Pigem, in his forthcoming book Consciousness or collapse (to be published in April in Catalan and in May in Spanish), through an interdisciplinary approach crucially nurtured by Iain’s work, focuses on how what he calls the algorithmic mind (closely matching the left hemisphere’s ways articulated by Iain) is taking us in the wrong direction. In this conversation, Iain McGilchrist and Jordi Pigem will be exploring what is happening to our minds and to our world, trying to shed new light on where we are and where we should turn to.

To book your ticket please register here.