Diagnosing the Sanity of our Historical Epoch with Bonnitta Roy

Diagnosing the Sanity of our Historical Epoch with Bonnitta Roy

Diagnosing the Sanity of our Historical Epoch with Bonnitta Roy Wednesday 29th March 2023  Event description. Bonnitta Roy is an award winning author, philosopher and insight guide. She currently runs the Pop-Up School, an innovative online educational platform, and...
Resurgence Talk: Dr Iain McGilchrist, ‘The Value of Values’

Resurgence Talk: Dr Iain McGilchrist, ‘The Value of Values’

Resurgence Talk: Dr Iain McGilchrist, ‘The Value of Values’ Thursday 30th March 2023, 7.30 – 9.00 pm online, via Zoom Event description. Values cannot be directly observed or measured, and yet are so powerful that they govern the nature and course of...
Whole Brain – Whole Body, expanding the horizon of our being

Whole Brain – Whole Body, expanding the horizon of our being

Whole Brain – Whole Body, expanding the horizon of our being Monday 20th March to Friday 24th March 2023  Event description. Our fragmented view of ourselves is reflected in our fragmented world. Bringing together science, traditional wisdom and direct...