Contemporary Articles
This area of Channel McGilchrist is dedicated to articles of interest on contemporary topics as chosen by Dr Iain McGilchrist.

MANTORSHIFT #44 Brain Matters with Iain McGilchrist

SMN Golden Jubilee Celebration – Visions of Interconnectedness in Science and Spiritual Wisdom (in-person & online event)
5th July 2023 An in-person and live-streamed event to celebrate 50 years of the Scientific and Medical Network Event description. We warmly invite you to come in person or attend online to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Network! We have put together a series of...

Wonder and Enchantment – Iain McGilchrist and Patrick Curry
Running Time: 01:29:00

A Conversation Between Iain McGilchrist and David Bentley Hart
Running Time: 01:59:45

The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 1
Running Time: 00:46:46

The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 2
Running Time: 00:31:39

Iain McGilchrist: Schizophrenia, & The Limits of Reason
Running Time: 02:55:35

The Mind-blowing Impact of “Balancing Hemispheres”: Ideas of Iain McGilchrist & the BioIndividual
Running Time: 01:49:10

Recovering the Sacred, Recovering the Soul: Session 1 of the ‘Recovering the Sacred’ online series – Pari Perspective
According to Laozi:
He who knows does not tell and he who tells does not know.
The power of unknowing and not doing is celebrated in Chinese philosophy. Also in the Western tradition. For example, Meister Eckhart in one of his sermons speaks of the attainment by the soul of darkness and unknowing and he imagines a bystander asking him:
‘But what is this darkness and unknowing and what is its name?’ To this he replies, ‘I can only call it a loving and open receptiveness which however in no way lacks being. It is a receptive potential by means of which all is accomplished.’
This suggests the fertility of union between a creative principle and a receptive, womb-like space in which something is to grow: a process. It’s of this encounter, this process, that I wish to speak today.

Iain McGilchrist Λ John Vervaeke: God, Being, & Meaning
Running Time: 02:11:27

Attention and Worldview in International Development, Iain McGilchrist & Ameer Shaheed
Running Time: 01:40:11

Iain McGilchrist & Isabela Granic: Intergenerational Wisdom for a World Unravelling
Running Time: 01:39:45

Dr Iain McGilchrist: We are living in a deluded world
Running Time: 01:13:38

Beyond the Mechanistic Conception of Reality – Iain McGilchrist & Philip Goyal in Conversation
Running Time: 01:41:19

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with the Swedish publishers of The Master & His Emissary
Running Time: 01:08:14

The world is not a problem – Iain McGilchrist and Dougald Hine
Running Time: 01:04:12

The Realisation Festival (St. Giles, Dorset, UK: in-person event)
29th June 2023 to 2nd July 2023 Event description. Realisation is a gathering that is part retreat, part symposium at St Giles House, Dorset. It is for those actively working at the interface between society and soul, and who feel the gravity of our times. Over the...

28th June 2023 (17.30 to 18.30) Event description. Iain McGilchrist will address some of the oldest and hardest questions humanity faces – ones that have a practical urgency. Who are we? What is the world? How can we understand consciousness, matter, space and time?...

Festival of Writing & Ideas (in-person event)
16th June to 18th June 2023 Event description. 2023 will be the eleventh edition of Borris House Festival of Writing & Ideas, and we are proud to have weathered the last few years to bring you another intimate and invigorating weekend, in a place as beautiful as...

Wonder and Enchantment – Iain McGilchrist and Patrick Curry
FREE online event in which Iain and Patrick will be discussing the phenomenon of enchantment, especially the experience of wonder that is at its heart. Why does it matter? And what are some of its attributes and dynamics? We shall also look at how it relates to the two modes of right and left brain hemispheres, and why it might be a possible effect of their integration, and therefore a life of sanity.

Imagination: A Way to Remake the World – Iain McGilchrist & Phoebe Tickell
Running Time: 01:37:19

Are we unmaking the world? Iain McGilchrist & Bonnitta Roy in Conversation
Running Time: 01:39:39

“The Matter with Things” – Dr Iain McGilchrist on epistemology and metaphysics
Running Time: 01:28:31
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 29: Epilogue
Running Time: 00:54:33

The Matter With Things: The Case for Shifting Our Attention – in person event
9th May 2023 (in person event) Event description. In person at: La Fabrique de la Paix - Geneva Graduate Institute Maison de la Paix (Petal 2, 4th Floor) Chemin Eugène-Rigot, 2 1202 Genève On the 9th of May the Geneva Graduate Institute’s Fabrique de la Paix will be...

Perspectives on the Nature of Reality To Inform Systemic Change – in person event – in person event
8th May 2023 (registration 5th May latest due to limited spaces) Event description. The event aims to share an innovative and trans-disciplinary thesis addressing the nature of reality, from the perspective of the human brain and philosophy. It hopes to bring a fresh...

The Master’s Theory of Everything: A review of Iain McGilchrist’s The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World – author Marius Dorobantu, from ‘Reviews in Science, Religion and Theology’, 2023, 2-1, pp. 6-17.
Abstract: When pointing towards inanimate objects, chimpanzees use their right hand, whereas when pointing towards living creatures, they do it with their left. Such a striking difference can, to some extent, also be noticeable in humans: for grasping things, we...

Two Minds – by Wendell Berry
Human orders – scientific, artistic, social, economic, and political – are fictions. They are untrue, not because they necessarily are false, but because they necessarily are incomplete. All of our human orders, however inclusive we may try to make them, turn out to be some degree exclusive. And so we are always being surprised by something we find, too late, that we have excluded. Think of almost any political revolution or freedom movement or the ozone hole or mad cow disease or the events of September 11, 2001.

Science and Metaphysics: A Family Quarrel? by Iain McGilchrist – from the Marginalia Review of Books
In the lecture series given in Cambridge in 1951 that formed the basis of his book Science & Humanism, the physicist Erwin Schrödinger observed:
It seems plain and self-evident, yet it needs to be said: the isolated knowledge obtained by a group of specialists in a narrow field has in itself no value whatsoever, but only in its synthesis with all the rest of knowledge and only inasmuch as it really contributes in this synthesis toward answering the demand, τίνες δὲ ἡμεῖς; “Who are we?”
Schrödinger is recalling the words of the third-century Greek philosopher Plotinus; but his point is of a contemporary relevance that it is impossible to overstate. It is reinforced by the words of the neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, whose work on mapping the brain is renowned: “The problem of neurology is to understand man himself.”
From the Marginalia Review of Books
Thank you for writing with the Marginalia Review of Books. We are delighted to publish your essay, “Science and Metaphysics: A Family Quarrel”, which is available to read and share both as a web-page and PDF.

The Matter with Things: A day’s seminar with Dr Iain McGilchrist: In person event in London
This exclusive day with Iain McGilchrist live on stage celebrated the launch of the paperback edition of The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World and included two lectures Iain had not presented before in this context.

Valueception: What does it mean to ‘see’ value? with Zak Stein
Running Time: 01:40:47

Iain McGilchrist, Michael Levin and Richard Watson conversation 5
Running Time: 00:59:43

Resurgence Talks: Dr Iain McGilchrist, ‘The Value of Values’
Running Time: 01:28:05

Iain McGilchrist, Michael Levin and Richard Watson conversation 4
Running Time: 00:59:46

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with ‘The Nocturnist’: speaking about his book ‘The Master and his Emissary’
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 28: Ch 28 The sense of the sacred
Running Time: 2:13:12

Iain McGilchrist, Michael Levin and Richard Watson conversation 3
Running Time: 01:01:14

Iain McGilchrist, Michael Levin and Richard Watson conversation 2
Running Time: 00:58:22

The Scientific & Medical Network present Dr. Iain McGilchrist – What is the Matter with Things?
17th April 2023 Europe/London 7.30pm to 9.30pm Event description. Many of us are aware that the mindset of reductionist materialism is inadequate, but may find it harder to articulate why. My latest book, The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the...
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 27: Ch 27 Purpose, life, nature of the cosmos
Running Time: 1:03:03