The Master and His Emissary Conversations

Iain McGilchrist, Bernardo Kastrup: Consciousness, God, Truth, & The Purpose of Life

Iain McGilchrist and Jordan Peterson – Wisdom, Delusion, Consciousness & the Divine – EP 436
Running Time: 01:49:34

The Matter with Things: Peterson and McGilchrist | #278
Running Time: 1:54:56 The two hemispheres of the human brain are explicitly different and both incredibly complex. Dr. Iain McGilchrist joins to discuss and explore the science of philosophy, covering everything from our ability to reason to how art can cross...

Members Q&A – 13th March
Thursday 13th March 2025, 6.00pm to 7.45pm UK time This event is open to Channel McGilchrist members only. As a Channel McGilchrist member, you have the unique opportunity to put a question to Iain for a live Q&A session via Zoom. These Q&As take place every...

Intelligence in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Charles Eisenstein
Let’s start with the obvious. When human beings outsource any physical or cognitive function to other people or to machines, that function may atrophy within themselves. New functions may open up, but at a price. Is the price worth paying? Maybe it is; but let us be...

Iain McGilchrist, Bernardo Kastrup: Consciousness, God, Truth, & The Purpose of Life
Running Time: 01:24:25

A Conversation with William Blake: Iain McGilchrist, Malcolm Guite & Roger Wagner
Running Time: 01:29:12

Cerveau, Conscience, Libre-arbitre et Spiritualités : Une Conversation avec Iain McGilchrist
Running Time: 01:08:08

The Education of Iain McGilchrist, Part I: From Winchester College to All Souls
Running Time: 01:39:14

The Education of Iain McGilchrist, Part II: Medical School and Beyond
Running Time: 01:30:12

The Sophia Lectures with Dr Iain McGilchrist – Lecture 1: Division and Union
Running Time: 01:38:51

Exploring the Marvelous Mystery of the Human Brain – Illuman Event
Friday, January 17 2025, 5.00pm- 6.00pm (UK), Illuman Watering Hole Event - Iain McGilchrist (online) Our brains are the most complicated objects in the known universe. "The human brain has 100 million neurons, each neuron connected to 10,000 other neurons. Sitting...

The Sophia Lectures With Dr Iain McGilchrist – Lecture 2: Symmetry and Asymmetry
Running Time: 01:38:11

The Sophia Lectures With Dr Iain McGilchrist – Lecture 3: Finitude and the Infinite
Running Time: 01:47:07

Remembering Jacobo Grinberg at 30 – Iain McGilchrist at the Pari Center
Sunday 8 December 2024, 7.30pm (UK) The Pari Center (online) Curated and Chaired by Àlex Gómez-Marín The Mexican neurophysiologist and psychologist Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum disappeared in strange circumstances exactly thirty years ago. His theoretical, empirical,...

Dr McGilchrist on the Cultivation of Wisdom
Running Time: 00:25:36

Members Q&A – 5th December
Thursday 5th December 2024, 6.00pm to 7.45pm UK time This event is open to Channel McGilchrist members only. As a Channel McGilchrist member, you have the unique opportunity to put a question to Iain for a live Q&A session via Zoom. These Q&As take place every...

Iain McGilchrist & Mattias Desmet in conversation: The Modern World, Totalitarianism and the Brain
Tuesday 18th March, 2025 5.30 - 7.00 pm UK (via Zoom) £10 - public Free for members and patrons of Channel McGilchrist Join this fascinating conversation with Dr Iain McGilchrist and author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Professor Mattias Desmet as they...

How we Value Music (A land without music?): The Sound World Podcast

What are the downsides of digital? Iain McGilchrist talks to Fraser Battye
Better use of analysis and decision making, Inequalities, System thinking and system working, Wider determinants of health and prevention October 2024 Photo by Giu Vicente on Unsplash Making a list of ‘pros and cons’ is the first analytical technique most of us...

Raging against the machine
26 October 2024, The Tablet One of our most influential thinkers tells Abigail Frymann Rouch that the ever-proliferating crises facing the world can be traced back to society’s loss of a sense of humility and an obsession with hubristic individualism. The psychiatrist...

Integrar ciencia y espiritualidad, el camino del reconocido psiquiatra británico Iain McGilchrist
19 de septiembre de 2024 Integrar ciencia y espiritualidad, el camino del reconocido psiquiatra británico Iain McGilchrist En un mundo dominado por la racionalidad y la lógica, el médico británico sostiene la importancia de recuperar la dimensión de lo espiritual, lo...

Iain McGilchrist — Aligning with the Creative Impulse of the Universe
Running Time: 01:06:01

Revival – Really? Are we Moving Beyond the Secular Scepticism of Religion? by Abigail Frymann Rouch
Whisper it if you will, but an increasing number of observers are wondering if we are creeping towards some kind of Christian revival. High-profile public figures such as former atheist author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, novelist Paul Kingsnorth, comedian Russell Brand and storyteller Martin Shaw have converted. Articles and podcasts from secular writers and thinkers extolling Christianity’s influence on Western culture, the societal benefits of faith, or a renewed appreciation of the sacred, are becoming a more common sight than those tub-thumping for atheism. .

The Potential of the Human Brain – Iain McGilchrist talks to Curt Jaimungal from the ‘Theories of Everything’
Running Time: 02:48:25

Biology, the Brain, and the Meanings of Life: Philip Ball in Conversation with Iain McGilchrist
Running Time: 00:44:46

Our “wretchedness” is a left-brain issue – Wild, Iain McGilchrist talks to Sarah Wilson

Context is Everything Because Nothing is what it is Without a Context by Hannah Gal
Our whole culture has been skewed by a belief that we have achieved a kind of wisdom which never existed in the past; and it’s just something we’ve invented in the last few decades. It’s a quite irrational position to take

Finding Meaning in a World Gone Mad – Iain McGilchrist talks to Local Futures

Why Do We Laugh? Exploring the Nature of Humor with John Cleese and Dr. Iain McGilchrist
Running Time: 01:00:43

Iain McGilchrist and Humphrey Hawksley – The Goldster Magazine Show Podcast

The Mystery of Consciousness: Dr. Iain McGilchrist’s Keynote at Kinross House (2024) – The Wonderstruck Podcast with Elizabeth Rovere
Running Time: 01:00:53

Finding Meaning in a World Gone Mad : Local Futures talks to Iain McGilchrist
Running Time: 00:15:53

The Believing Brain: How Iain McGilchrist rediscovered the soul

Brain Hemispheres & Woke – With Iain McGilchrist
Running Time: 00:55:31

Understanding the Brain, Society, and the Meaning of Life – Iain McGilchrist and John Anderson
Running Time: 00:56:01

Perennial Mysteries of Life & Death, Iain McGilchrist talks to Tim Freke (Part 2)
Friday, August 9, 2024 The excerpts below, are from an imho EXCELLENT 88-minute discussion: "WHAT IS LIFE?" between Tim Freke & Iain McGilchrist Welcome to the second half of the excerpts from the EXCELLENT...

Rory Stewart: The Long History of…

Metaphysics & the Matter with Things. An Evening with Iain McGilchrist
Running Time: 01:36:30

Music and the Divided Brain (Part 1): A discussion with Iain McGilchrist – Herefordshire Festival of Music with James Francis Brown and Sara Trickey
Running Time: 01:04:13