The Master and His Emissary Conversations

Diagnosing the Sanity of our Historical Epoch with Bonnitta Roy
Wednesday 29th March 2023 Event description. Bonnitta Roy is an award winning author, philosopher and insight guide. She currently runs the Pop-Up School, an innovative online educational platform, and has previously held esteemed posts as a Professor in Residence for...

Resurgence Talk: Dr Iain McGilchrist, ‘The Value of Values’
Thursday 30th March 2023, 7.30 - 9.00 pm online, via ZoomEvent description. Values cannot be directly observed or measured, and yet are so powerful that they govern the nature and course of individual lives, as well as the nature and course of a civilisation. What are...

Diagnosing the Sanity of our Historical Epoch with Bonnitta Roy
Wednesday 29th March, 7pm in the UK, online Event description. Bonnitta Roy is an award winning author, philosopher and insight guide. She currently runs the Pop-Up School, an innovative online educational platform, and has previously held esteemed posts as a...

Iain McGilchrist and Michael Levin in conversation
Running Time: 00:56:22

Attention as a moral Act: Iain McGilchrist & Jonathan Rowson in Conversation
Running Time: 01:36:55

Whole Brain – Whole Body, expanding the horizon of our being
Monday 20th March to Friday 24th March 2023 Event description. Our fragmented view of ourselves is reflected in our fragmented world. Bringing together science, traditional wisdom and direct experience, we will explore the realms of our inner and outer ecologies, to...
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 26: Chapter 26 Value
Running Time: 1:21:41

How the brain works – Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Jack Light
Running Time: 01:04:59


Iain McGilchrist and Caroline Ross in conversation
Running Time: 00:51:05
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 25: Chapter 25 Matter and consciousness
Running Time: 1:59:25

Kinship, a 6-week online course exploring community, relationality and belonging in a world of islands.
31st January 2023 to 7th March 2023 Event description. We inhabit a world of islands… Our pale blue dot; a constellation of archipelagos buoyed amidst an even greater cosmos of celestial atolls. Like the billowing ocean tides, our terraqueous isle undulates toward the...

‘HowTheLightGetsIn’ HAY 2023
26th May 2023 to 29th May 2023 Event description. Debate is the beating heart of HowTheLightGetsIn Hay 2023. From Nobel Laureates to Pulitzer Prize winners, HowTheLightGetsIn is home to world-leading thinkers pushing their disciplines forward. Explore our wide-ranging...

Imagination and Truth – Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Roger Wagner and Malcolm Guite
Running Time: 01:09:41

God as Eternal Becoming: McGilchrist’s Hemispheric Process Panentheism with Andrew M. Davis
Running Time: 00:20:44

The Coincidence of Opposites (the Beshara Lecture: online event)
9th July 2023 (online event - 14:00 - 15:30 BST) Event description. "If there is Oneness, what are the Many? Are they the same? What do we mean? I suggest that the coincidence of opposites is a truth of unsurpassed importance, but that we have been educated into...
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 24: Chapter 24 Space and matter
Running Time: 1:10:35
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 23: Chapter 23 Flow and movement
Running Time: 1:12:08
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 22: Chapter 22 Time
Running Time: 1:17:13

What Happens with the Mind when the Brain Dies? by Alex Gomez-Marin
Abstract: A neuroscientist reflects on his near-death experience to ponder the nature of the human mind and the survival of consciousness after death. Ancient traditions, manifold personal experiences, nuanced philosophical views, and recent scientific evidence, all point to the brain as a filter (or receiver) of consciousness rather than its fanciful producer. No doubt, good-old-fashioned materialists —nowadays rebranded as physicalists, crypto-dualists, or illusionists wearing virtual reality goggles— insist that minds are “nothing but” what brains do. Nevertheless, a trans-materialist science can expand the scope and depth of the answers (and the questions) that really matter not only to science but also to human flourishing.

The Matter with Things, Iain McGilchrist at the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, Edinburugh (in-person event)
5th August 2023 (10.00am to 4.30pm) Event description. Through this seminar, Iain will explore the relevance of the hemisphere hypothesis in 2023 and ask, what is the matter with things? Where are we now? Can we really neglect the sacred and divine? Why, indeed, are...

The Shocking Truth About How The Brain ACTUALLY Works | DR. IAIN MCGILCHRIST | Unlock Your Potential #235 with Jeff Lerner

Iain McGilchrist – Rediscovering Wisdom in a World Gone Mad – with Helena Norberg-Hodge on the Local Futures Podcast

The Brain, the Sacred and the Soul – evolve LIVE! online event with Dr Iain McGilchrist
Friday, February 3rd 2023, from 18:00 - 21:00 CET Event description. An online event with Dr Iain McGilchrist, a British psychiatrist, received global attention for both, Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World and his new book...
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 21: Chapter 21 The one and the many
Running Time: 1:00:21

Iain McGilchrist, Rupert Sheldrake and Alex Gomez-Marin in conversation
Running Time: 01:10:55

Clinical Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Society, London (TBA)
1st June 2024 - further details to follow

“The Matter With Things” by Matt Segal
“I’ve just finished reading The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World (2021), Iain McGilchrist’s two volume follow-up to The Master and His Emissary (2009). Volume 1 of TMWT focuses on “the ways to truth,” revisiting the hemisphere hypothesis and unpacking the respective roles of the left and right hemispheres in attention, perception, judgment, apprehension, emotion, creativity, science, reason, imagination, and intuition. Volume 2 then explores the implications of the hemisphere hypothesis for what is likely to be true about the universe itself, including deep inquiries into time, motion, space, matter, consciousness, value, and the sacred…”

A Revolution in Attention – a talk by Dr Mark Vernon
Running Time: 01:33:04
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 20: Chapter 20 The coincidentia oppositorum
Running Time: 1:23:07
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 19:Ch.19 Intuition, imagination and unveiling
Running Time: 1:16:11
Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 18: Ch. 18 The untimely demise of intuition
Running Time: 1:11:45

Will Beharrell from the Fathom Trust Interviews Dr Iain McGilchrist
Running Time: 01:10:05

FREE Thinking: Christopher Harding talks to two leading thinkers investigating the nature of mind and its place in the world.

Left Brain, Right Brain – or BOTH? with Dr. Iain McGilchrist (S3, Ep19)

On Spaciousness, Wordsworth and the Soul – Interview by David Lorimer of the Imaginal Inspirations Podcast

Love Itself – Interview by Cressida Bonas
We discuss the divided brain, and why it has such and important meaning for us today.

Sam Harris – The Divided Mind: A Conversation with Iain McGilchrist
Running time: 55:00
Our Divided Nature & Reasons for Hope: A Conversation with Dr Iain McGilchrist

Reflections on Iain McGilchrist’s The Matter with Things – Pari Center Anniversary event
Running Time: 02:09:16 This online event celebrated one year since the publication of The Matter with Things. Reflections on The Matter with Things begins with an in-depth interview with Jonathan Rowson from Perspectiva Press, the book's publisher, followed by...