The Master and His Emissary Conversations

“The Matter With Things” by Matt Segal

“The Matter With Things” by Matt Segal

“I’ve just finished reading The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World (2021), Iain McGilchrist’s two volume follow-up to The Master and His Emissary (2009). Volume 1 of TMWT focuses on “the ways to truth,” revisiting the hemisphere hypothesis and unpacking the respective roles of the left and right hemispheres in attention, perception, judgment, apprehension, emotion, creativity, science, reason, imagination, and intuition. Volume 2 then explores the implications of the hemisphere hypothesis for what is likely to be true about the universe itself, including deep inquiries into time, motion, space, matter, consciousness, value, and the sacred…”

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Dr Iain McGilchrist and Rebel Wisdom, ‘We Need to Act’

Dr Iain McGilchrist and Rebel Wisdom, ‘We Need to Act’

Running Time: 00:41:47  Iain McGilchrist has been outlining for many years that a fundamental problem in the way we are perceiving the world is likely to lead us into trouble. Now in 2022 he believes the situation is reaching a crucial turning point and we need to...

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Asymmetry and Symmetry – Dr Iain McGilchrist

Asymmetry and Symmetry – Dr Iain McGilchrist

Running Time: 0:28:25 Dr Iain McGilchrist addresses some of the most widely misunderstood ideas about asymmetry and symmetry. Drawing on his latest book, the Matter with Things, he explains how asymmetry is the greater of the two. Some of the questions he addresses...

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Dr Iain McGilchrist and Rebel Wisdom: The Matter With Things

Dr Iain McGilchrist and Rebel Wisdom: The Matter With Things

Running Time: 1:30:17 In ‘The Matter with Things’, Iain McGilchrist tackles the big questions: Who are we? What is the world? How can we understand consciousness, matter, space and time? What happens if we neglect the sacred and divine?  He argues that we have become...

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Can we Unmake the World we have Made? Dr Iain McGilchrist

Can we Unmake the World we have Made? Dr Iain McGilchrist

Running Time: 00:06:19 Can we unmake the world we have made? Iain McGilchrist draws on his most recent book, The Matter with Things and discusses whether we can unmake the world we have made and unknow what we know. This clip is from an upcoming documentary film by...

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18th November 2022 AIMA Conference – New Zealand

18th November 2022 AIMA Conference – New Zealand

Friday 18th November and Saturday 19th November 2022.  Event description We are excited to invite you to the (fully in-person!) 2022 AIMA Conference on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th November 2022 at the Auckland University of Technology in central Auckland, New...

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Conversations with Dr Iain McGilchrist – New Zealand

Conversations with Dr Iain McGilchrist – New Zealand

18th November 2022 Event description Conversations with Dr Iain McGilchrist.  Renowned psychiatrist, author, thinker, and former Oxford literary scholar. Friday November 18th - 6pm - The Matter with ThingsOur Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World....

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“The Matter With Things” – Review by Takashi Baba

“The Matter With Things” – Review by Takashi Baba

Our memories are often fuzzy and people sometimes make up stories after the fact.  We are governed by irrational biases and can be easily fooled. I like to read books on brain science and behavioral economics and have gathered knowledge on this and that about the brain.  Has it given me the ability to discern what is real or a good guidance to lead a better life?  Unfortunately, I have no such confidence. 

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Dr Iain McGilchrist: The Brain And A Sense Of The Sacred

Dr Iain McGilchrist: The Brain And A Sense Of The Sacred

11th November 2022. Dr Iain McGilchrist: The Brain And A Sense Of The Sacred. Modern Church offers you a chance to hear and engage with one of the most remarkable and highly-acclaimed intellectuals of our time. Iain’s talk will be based on his encyclopaedic book The...

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Recovering the Sacred – the Pari Online Series

Recovering the Sacred – the Pari Online Series

5th - 27th November 2022. with Anne Baring, Bernard Carr, Matthijs Cornelissen, Alex Gomez-Marin, Jeremy Lent, David Lorimer, Iain McGilchrist, Peter Reason, Mary-Jayne Rust Curated by John Pickering Pari Center Online Series November 5 – 27, 2022 9:00am PST | 12:00pm...

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